The Bible Abridged
The Christian Bible: the book of stories and guidelines that shaped the western and, in a lot of ways, the whole world. And it's completely nuts. I go through the "holy" texts and retell the stories in all their crazy nonsense for the world to see just how nuts they all actually are.
The Bible Abridged
Ep 44 - The Rise of Saul
Jay Winston
Season 9
Episode 2
Samuel and God bitch about how much the Israelites don't appreciate them or their broken system and finally decide to appoint a king. Samuel finds a sexy Benjamite named Saul, who's handsome and tall. Yes this Saul has it all. As long as all you are looking for is sexiness.
Saul begins his reign as king and so far he does a pretty good job. He saved a lot of people from getting their eyes gouged out and he killed a lot of animals...