The Bible Abridged

Ep 34 - Joshua Stops the Sun and Moon... To Kill More People

February 26, 2023 Jay Winston

After Jericho, Joshua set his sights on the nearby city of Ai. But since one of his soldiers at Jericho kept a few things for himself, God decided to punish the OTHER soldiers who were invading Ai, resulting in all 3,000 of them dying. After this man was exposed, stoned to death, and set on fire, Joshua re-did the invasion of Ai, with over 10 times the amount of troops as the first run. They killed every man, woman, and child and made the king watch his city burned while being skewered like a rotisserie chicken.
When other cities heard about this. they decided to team up and defeat the Israelite army once and for all. Resulting in all of them dying as well.  As they tried to flee the battlefield, God killed a large chunk of them with hail. Then Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stop moving so he would have me time to kill the retreating army. The five kings who had united were found hiding in a nearby cave. Joshua publicly humiliated them before killing them and hanging their naked bodies up for everyone to see. 

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