The Bible Abridged

Ep 33 - The Rise of Joshua & the Fall of Jericho

February 14, 2023 Jay Winston Season 6 Episode 1

Joshua sends a couple of spies across the Jordan to investigate the city of Jericho. The city that had the tallest skyscraper of its time at a whopping 28 feet tall.  They spent all their time with a cool sex worker named Rahab and she kept them safe from the city guards in exchange for them sparing her and her whole family as they slaughter the rest of the city. When the spies returned, they decided Jericho was ripe for the picking and Joshua went and dried up the Jordan River so they could cross over and conquer it. When they arrive, they found the city had locked their doors and Joshua had to find a new way inside. Luckily, the walls weren't that strong, as the simple act of shouting really loud along with some trumpets was able to knock the walls down. As promised, they kept Rahab and her family safe. Every other man, woman, or child inside was ruthlessly slaughtered.

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