The Bible Abridged

Ep 31 - God REALLY Wants You to Kill a Lot of People

January 23, 2023 Jay Winston Season 5 Episode 2

Moses is on his way out, after 40 years of wandering around the desert. So he starts making sure people remember the stuff he's been saying over the last 40 years (the stuff that's already written in other books and we've already gone over.)
He also reminds us that, "If anyone decides they want to worship another god, or even something tangible, like the moon? Kill them. Unless they're your son or daughter or ... wait, no... still kill them. If anyone shows contempt of the courts? Kill them. If a child disrespects their parents? Kill them. Any cities you come across that won't agree to be your slaves? Kill the men and keep them women and girls as sex slaves. Any towns in Israel decide to switch religions? Kill every single person in the town, burn all their stuff, and never build anything there ever again."

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